If you're like most people, you spend your days taking care of everyone else before yourself. Making yourself a priority is one of the best decisions you can make – and honestly?... I believe, (and many agree), that it’s the #1 most important. When we take time to focus on our own self-care, all areas of our lives can feel the impacts, from health, career, happiness, relationships and so much more!
Here are some important clues to listen and take note of that will tell you it's time to start focusing on your well being:
You're feeling exhausted and have trouble sleeping - Overworking your mind can lead to physical exhaustion. When your sleep suffers so does your health. If you are to the point of exhaustion – so exhausted that you either sleep all the time, or you are not able to fall asleep when you get to bed, it’s time to start focussing on creating good sleep hygiene. Good sleep hygiene is all about putting yourself in the best position to sleep well each night. Sleep hygiene refers to building healthy sleep habits like making your bedroom comfortable and free of disruptions and following a relaxing pre-bed routine.
You're feeling blue - No matter what the reason – work drama, home drama, not sure? A refreshing day of no work and all play can help! Spend time with a friend, read a book, create something, and get outdoors. Do things that make you feel good!
And please remember, this day may feel good, and it also may not be enough... know that if the things you're doing don't seem to be working, it's time to seek the advice of your doctor or mental health professional. There is no shame in asking for help. It doesn't make you weak - in fact, it makes you courageous. If this, is you, I'm proud of you for doing the right thing and reaching out for well-deserved help.You're getting sick.... a lot - Re-occurring colds and other physical ailments are sure signs that your body (and mind) need to slow down. Listen when your body speaks. Taking time to get rest, enjoy some downtime, or re-evaluate what food is fueling you (and adjusting accordingly) will help you boost your immune system and get you working towards a healthier path.
Feeling, uneasy, cranky, or short - Have you been snapping at the people in your life? Are you feeling restless, tense, or achy? No one’s perfect, but if you find yourself feeling like you’re always on edge and pushing friends and loved ones away, this is a sign that you have too many stored-up emotions and energy. It's time to move your body! Find ways that are gentle and refreshing, like a brisk walk with a friend, dance, yoga, or a bike ride. They say sweating it out in the form of exercise can help you think more clearly. Physical activity can boost your energy and mood more than caffeine.
You're withdrawing from the people you love - Being on a screen and laser-focused all day can leave us feeling disconnected from our worlds – especially nowadays, where since the beginning of the pandemic nearly 40% of Canada’s workforce is working from home. It’s in that disconnected state of being that we can find it easier to just pop a frozen pizza in the oven and disappear into more screen time. Connecting with friends and loved ones can help to restore that balance and our sense of belonging. Get out of the house and out of your head and laugh with a friend or a loved one. This also includes connecting to yourself. Building on the relationship you have with yourself is just as important as building the relationships you have with others.
Self-care is essential for our well-being. When we ignore it, it shows up in our bodies, and in how we interact with the people in our lives. When we ignore our bodies, it doesn’t go away but manifests into more serious health concerns. These 5 tips are only the tip of the iceberg… and are often early warning signs that we need to pay attention to.
If you are struggling to find your unique way of making self-care a priority, look to a life coach to help. A life coach can provide you with powerful questions, resources, and tips to help you find your own unique way of prioritizing yourself. You are worth it!